Nuru massage


Nuru Massage- the most contact massage you can get. This massage is based on the BODY-TO-BODY technique. This massage also includes an optional shower with the masseuse before you lie down to relax. You can get to know and touch her body before she takes you on the journey of pleasure. After the hot and steamy start, you will be ready to fully relax and enjoy what is coming next. The masseuse will prepare you with her hands first, using various massaging techniques. She will warm you up to the most delightful touches with her own body. Close your eyes and enjoy the feeling of her breasts sliding across your body, using her full weight, elbows, knees, back and more. This massage is very intimate and close-up. You will feel her breath on the most sacred parts of your body, with a slow and sensual build-up that won´t leave you calm. You can, of course, add any extra to this massage or try it four-hands with two masseuses if you are experienced or ready for an adventure.
We serve central London area.

  • includes shower before and after

Price list

1 Masseuse 2 Masseuse
Massages 60 min 90 min 120 min 60 min 90 min 120 min
Tantric Touch £ 295 £ 395 £ 495 £ 590 £ 790 £ 990
Nuru Massage £ 325 £ 425 £ 525 £ 650 £ 850 £ 1050
Lingam Massage £ 325 £ 425 £ 525 £ 650 £ 850 £ 1190
Dark Allure £ 325 £ 495 £ 595 £ 790 £ 990 £ 1050
Yoni Massage £ 395 £ 425 £ 525 £ 650 £ 850 £ 1050
Couple Massage n/a n/a n/a £ 695 £ 895 £ 1095
Prostate Massage £ 100
Allure Mistress £ 250
Allure Royal £ 100
Dreamgirl £ 100